立夏 - Beginning of Summer

The 5th of May is, according to the Chinese Calendar, the first day of Summer and although in a country as large as China, the temperature may vary quite substantially. Here in Hong Kong the weather has been quite hot for a while now, making it difficult to sleep at night. The fifth of May this year was also a "Super Moon" where the moon appears largest in the sky as it passes closes to earth, due to its elliptical orbit. But as Super Moons go it is not that "super" as the moon has passed closer to the earth in 10 of the previous 12 years. It was actually a very good time to do meditation. 

In Summer, TCM advocates that we should nourish the heart, as the heart and Qi are connected during the Summer. Those with arterial problems, high blood pressure or high fat content in the blood, should take this time in the Summer to nourish the heart.

In TCM there is a saying 「不通則痛,氣血通百病不侵」, if it is blocked then it hurts, if the blood and Qi are flowing then the hundred diseases will not have an effect. Thus the emphasis in Summer will be on promoting and maintaining a good circulation of the Qi and the blood.

「夏吃薑、冬吃蘿蔔,醫生遠離我。」 During the Summer it is better to eat ginger, during the Winter it is better to eat radish, this keeps the doctor away. As Summer is very hot, one sweat a lot during the Summer, 「汗為心之液。」 but the Chinese Doctor's say that sweat is the fluid of the heart. Sweating during the Summer is good as its helps promote circulation. Ginger is good during the Summer as it aids this by opening up the pores, also promoting detoxification and internal cleasing.

However one should not take Ginger with alcohol, as wine contains damp heat, and will cause the blood to circulate too fast and for one to sweat too much causing damage to the system. 

The best time to eat ginger is after breakfast where one can boil 3 slices of ginger with 500 cc of water and can be drank straight like boiled water. One can also add some brown sugar for taste.

For women, this is beneficial for those whose menses are not regular or light or experience menstural pain or experience clotting of the menses. It is a good method for promoting health.

「晨起3片薑,優於人參湯」 Three pieces of ginger in the morning is better than ginseng, goes the saying.

Related Posts:
立夏 - Beginning of Summer 2010
